Author: mintra

International Workshop on ASEAN Microbial Database and Analysis Tools

The International Workshop on ASEAN Microbial Database and Analysis Tools has been successfully held online today. The workshop aims to promote successful management and analysis of microbial database for effective utilization of microorganisms. The quality of management of microbial culture collection and the participation in creating a global database can thus be improved.  It also facilitates opportunities for database integration among institutions in ASEAN. In particular, AmiBase provides a service hub and standardized protocol for sharing microbial diversities data. Trainers for the workshop include AnMicro Training Team from the National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC) Thailand, Dr. Ni’matuzahroh from the University of CoE – Research Center for Bio-Molecule Engineering (BIOME) Indonesia, and Dr. Atit Kanti University of CoE – Research Center for Bio-Molecule Engineering (BIOME) Insonesia. The event was co-organized by ASEAN Network of Microbial Utilization (AnMicro) and University of CoE – Research Center for Bio-Molecule Engineering (BIOME), Universitas Airlangga. The conference is arranged in Collaboration with Indonesian Culture Collection (InaCC), Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) as an institution that handles the management culture collections in Indonesia, and Thailand Bioresource Research Center (TBRC) Thailand as the founder of ASEAN Microbial Database (AmiBase).  ...

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AMBC 2021

The 4th ASEAN Microbial Biotechnology Conference (AMBC) in conjunction with the 3rd Molecular and Cellular Life Science (MCLS) conference will be hosted by University CoE – Research Center for BioMolecule Engineering, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia. The event also includes an international workshop on microbial culture management and an international conference and workshop on Biodiversity of tropical microorganism and bioactive compounds: exploration, structure – function mechanisms, and application. The conference will be organized online during 14th – 15th September 2021( The workshop on microbial culture management entitled “ASEAN Microbial Database and Analysis Tools” which will be trained by Thailand Bioresource Research Center will be held online on 13th September...

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The 6th Annual AnMicro Conference in Los Banos, Philippines

25-28 April 2019 — the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA), the National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (BIOTECH) and University of Philippines, Los Banos hosted the 1st International Symposium and Training Workshop on Microbial Utilization under the theme “Strengthening ASEAN linkages in fungal diversity conservation and utilisation” at SEARCA Auditorium. This opportune event came with the celebration of 20th Anniversary of Mycological Society of Philippines (MSP) and the 6th Annual AnMicro Meeting. The main topic of this year’s Annual AnMicro Meeting was the ASEAN Center on Microbial Utilisation (AMUST), which is a culmination of 5-year-long effort since the establishment of AnMicro in 2014. AMUST aims to provide the solid infrastructure for fostering joint research and innovation, not only to AnMicro members, but also to all ASEAN researchers. This year meeting also saw the warm welcome of new AnMicro members from Cambodia and Indonesia; Bogor Agricultural University (Indonesia), Indonesian Culture Collection (Indonesia), Universitas Negeri Jakarta (Indonesia), and Faculty of Science and Technology, International University (Cambodia). Moreover, TBRC team helped organize “iCollect workshop”, which was one of the 4 workshop modules. The iCollect workshop conveyed a practical knowledge how to deal with microbial collection data. Other three workshops were Mycorrhiza, Mushroom Cultivation, and Rapid Composting. In total, there were 89 registered participants from 6 ASEAN countries, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, and...

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Thailand hosted the ASEAN Next 2019, promoting sustainable STI development.

19 March 2019, Ministry of Science and Technology, Thailand, hosted the symposium titled “ASEAN Next 2019 : STI Leading towards Community Happiness” at Pullman Bangkok King Power Hotel, Bangkok. The participating authorities from ASEAN countries and Japan agreed on collaborative plans to boost ASEAN’s Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) development. Apart from the symposium, ASEAN NEXT 2019 included the lectures and workshops organized by Thailand’s forefront science and technology authorities, namely, 1.Quality Audit for Personal Dosimetry for Individual Monitoring Service Laboratory in Southeast Asia by Office of Atoms for Peace 2.Enhancement of capacity building for FCM testing laboratories among ASEAN member states by Department of Science Service 3.ASEAN Sustainable and Environmental Materials Workshop by MTEC 4.ASEAN Workshop on Green Construction Material for Community and MSMEs by TISTR 5.Railway technology for track and Rolling stock maintenance by TISTR 6.International Workshop Bioresource Centre: Connecting the Nature, Creating the Future by...

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